Microsoft 公司门户 Mac

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使用公司门户网站搜索、安装和卸载学校或工作应用;以及查看、编辑、添加和删除已注册的设备。Use the Company Portal website to search for, install, and uninstall apps for school or work; and to view, edit, add, and remove your enrolled devices.

可以从公司门户网站进行以下任何操作:From the Company Portal website, you can take any of the following actions:

  • 找到公司支持人员的联系信息(如果已配置)Find the company support's contact information, if you configured it

  • 检查符合性状态Check compliance status

  • 远程管理 PCRemotely manage a PC

仍需帮助?Still need help?请与公司支持人员联系。Contact your company support.有关联系信息,请查看公司门户网站。For contact information, check the Company Portal website.


通过 Intune 公司门户应用注册 macOS 设备,以便获取对工作或学校电子邮件、文件和应用的安全访问权限。Enroll your macOS device with the Intune Company Portal app to gain secure access to your work or school email, files, and apps.

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组织通常会要求你先注册设备,然后才能访问专有数据。Organizations typically require you to enroll your device before you can access proprietary data.注册设备后,它将成为托管设备 。After your device is enrolled, it becomes managed.组织可通过移动设备管理 (MDM) 提供程序(如 Intune)为该设备分配策略和应用。Your organization can assign policies and apps to the device through a mobile device management (MDM) provider, such as Intune.若要在设备上持续访问工作或学校信息,必须配置设备以匹配组织的策略设置。To get continuous access to work or school information on your device, you must configure your device to match your organization’s policy settings.

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本文介绍如何使用 macOS 的公司门户应用来注册、配置和维护设备,以满足组织需求。This article describes how to use the Company Portal app for macOS to enroll, configure, and maintain your device so that you meet your organization's requirements.

公司门户应用的作用What to expect from the Company Portal app

初始设置期间,公司门户应用要求你登录并向组织验证自己的身份。During initial setup, the Company Portal app requires you to sign in and authenticate yourself with your organization.然后,公司门户会通知你需要配置的任何设备设置以满足组织的要求。Company Portal then informs you of any device settings you need to configure to meet your organization's requirements.例如,组织通常会设置密码的最小或最大字符数要求,必须满足此要求。For example, organizations often set minimum or maximum character password requirements that you'll be required to meet.

注册设备后,公司门户将始终确保你的设备根据组织的要求受到保护。After you enroll your device, Company Portal will always make sure that your device is protected according to your organization's requirements.例如,如果你从不受信任的源安装应用,公司门户会向你发出警报,并且可能会限制对组织资源的访问。For example, if you install an app from an untrusted source, Company Portal will alert you and might restrict access to your organization's resources.与此类似的应用保护策略很常见。App protection policies like this one are common.若要重新获得访问权限,你可能需要卸载不受信任的应用。To regain access, you'll likely need uninstall the untrusted app.

如果注册后组织实施了新的安全要求(如多重身份验证),公司门户将对此进行通知。If after enrollment your organization enforces a new security requirement, such as multi-factor authentication, Company Portal will notify you.可调整设置,以便可以继续通过该设备开展工作。You'll have the chance to adjust your settings so that you can continue to work from your device.

要了解有关注册的详细信息,请参阅安装公司门户应用并注册设备后会发生什么情况?。To learn more about enrollment, see What happens when I install the Company Portal app and enroll my device?.

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托管 macOS 设备Get your macOS device managed

使用以下步骤在组织中注册 macOS 设备。Use the following steps to enroll your macOS device with your organization.设备必须正在运行 MacOS 10.12 或更高版本。Your device must be running macOS 10.12 or later.


在此过程中,系统可能会提示你允许公司门户使用存储在密钥链中的机密信息。Throughout this process, you might be prompted to allow Company Portal to use confidential information that's stored in your keychain.这些提示是 Apple 安全的一部分。These prompts are part of Apple security.收到提示时,键入登录密钥链密码,并选择“始终允许” 。When you get the prompt, type in your login keychain password and select Always Allow.如果在键盘上按 Enter 或 Return,则提示将改为选择“允许”,这可能会导致其他提示 。If you press Enter or Return on your keyboard, the prompt will instead select Allow, which may result in additional prompts.

安装公司门户应用Install Company Portal app

Microsoft 公司门户 Mac 2016

  1. 转到注册 Mac。Go to Enroll My Mac.
  2. 公司门户安装程序 .pkg 文件将下载。The Company Portal installer .pkg file will download.打开该安装程序,继续执行这些步骤。Open the installer and continue through the steps.
  3. 同意软件许可协议。Agree to the software license agreement.
  4. 输入设备密码或已注册的指纹以安装软件。Enter your device password or registered fingerprint to install the software.
  5. 打开公司门户。Open Company Portal.


Microsoft AutoUpdate 可能会打开以更新 Microsoft 软件。Microsoft AutoUpdate might open to update your Microsoft software.安装所有更新之后,打开公司门户应用。After all updates are installed, open the Company Portal app.若要获得最佳安装体验,请安装最新版本的 Microsoft AutoUpdate 和公司门户。For the best setup experience, install the latest versions of Microsoft AutoUpdate and Company Portal.

注册 MacEnroll your Mac

  1. 用你的工作单位或学校帐户登录到公司门户。Sign in to Company Portal with your work or school account.

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  2. 应用打开时,选择“开始” 。When the app opens, select Begin.

  3. 查看组织在已注册的设备上可以看到的内容和看不到的内容。Review what your organization can and can't see on your enrolled device.然后,选择“继续” 。Then select Continue.

  4. 如果出现提示,请在“安装管理配置文件”屏幕上输入设备密码 。If prompted to, enter your device password on the Install management profile screen.

  5. 在“确认设备管理”屏幕上,选择“打开系统首选项” 。On the Confirm device management screen, select Open System Preferences.

  6. 设备的系统首选项随即打开。Your device's system preferences will open.从设备配置文件列表中选择“管理配置文件”,然后选择“批准” > “批准” 。Select Management Profile from the device profiles list and then select Approve > Approve.

  7. 返回到公司门户并选择“继续” 。Return to Company Portal and select Continue.

  8. 组织可能会要求你更新设备设置。Your organization might require you to update your device settings.更新设置完成后,选择“检查设置” 。When you're done updating settings, select Check settings.

  9. 设置完成后,选择“完成” 。When setup is complete, select Done.

故障排除和反馈Troubleshooting and feedback

如果在注册过程中遇到问题,请转到“帮助” > “发送诊断报告”,向 Microsoft 应用开发人员报告问题 。If you run into issues during enrollment, go to Help > Send Diagnostic Report to report the issue to Microsoft app developers.此信息用于帮助改进应用。This information is used to help improve the app.如果 IT 支持人员向他们寻求帮助,他们还将使用这些信息来帮助解决问题。They'll also use this information to help resolve the problem if your IT support person reaches out to them for help.

向 Microsoft 报告问题之后,你可以将所遇到问题的详细信息发送给 IT 支持人员。After you report the problem to Microsoft, you can send the details of your experience to your IT support person.选择“电子邮件详细信息” 。Select Email Details.在电子邮件正文中键入所遇到的问题。Type in what you experienced in the body of the email.若要查找支持人员的电子邮件地址,请转到公司门户应用 >“联系人” 。To find your support person's email address, go to the Company Portal app > Contact.或查看公司门户网站。Or check the Company Portal website.

此外,Microsoft Intune 公司门户团队很乐意听取你的反馈。Additionally, the Microsoft Intune Company Portal team would love to hear your feedback.请转到“帮助” > “发送反馈”,分享你的想法和观点 。Go to Help > Send Feedback to share your thoughts and ideas.

未验证的配置文件Unverified profiles

在“系统首选项” > “配置文件” 中查看已安装的移动设备管理 (MDM) 配置文件时,某些配置文件可能会显示为“未验证”状态。When you view the installed mobile device management (MDM) profiles in System Preferences > Profiles, some profiles might show an unverified status.只要“管理配置文件”显示为“已验证”状态,便无需担心。As long as the management profile shows a verified status, you don’t need to be concerned.

管理配置文件定义了 MDM 通道连接。The management profile is what defines the MDM channel connection.只要已验证管理配置文件,那么通过该通道传递给计算机的任何其他配置文件都会继承管理配置文件的安全特性。As long as the management profile is verified, any other profiles delivered to the machine via that channel inherit the security traits of the management profile.

更新公司门户应用Updating the Company Portal app

与更新任何其他 Office 应用相同,更新公司门户应用也通过 Microsoft AutoUpdate for macOS 完成。Updating the Company Portal app is done the same way as any other Office app, through Microsoft AutoUpdate for macOS.了解有关更新适用于 macOS 的 Microsoft 应用的详细信息。Find out more about updating Microsoft apps for macOS.

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后续步骤Next Steps

仍需帮助?Still need help?请与公司支持人员联系。Contact your company support.有关联系信息,请查看公司门户网站。For contact information, check the Company Portal website.